
Send Text Messaged with the Schools or Team Plan

Text messaging has been around for more than 20 years and with the mobile device being many people’s primary communication tool we are seeing the popularity of email decline and the preferred communication method of “Text Message” or SMS becoming the defacto.

Most people now have a phone or tablet that can send and receive text messages. Text messaging is widespread, affordable, real-time and flexible. It’s also brief, preferred, and can is currently being used in the Snow Sports industry to satisfy the need to up-to-the-minute, real-time communications.

The SNOWPRO PORTAL™ has added the ability to send SMS messages via the backend of the Teams and Schools plans. Messages are sent individually – not the dreaded Group SMS – from a dedicated number. Replies from recipients can be routed to another phone number that accepts text messages or an email address. All sent and received messages are stored in an email type format for easy reference from the backend of your site.

SMS Statistics

  1. The Text App is the most widely-used and frequently used app on a smartphone.
  2. The average Millennial exchanges an average of 67 text messages per day.
  3. On average, Americans exchange twice as many texts as they do calls
  4. The average person responds in 90 minutes to email, but less than 90 seconds to text messages.
  5. Only 43% of smart device owners make calls, but over 70% of smart device users send text messages.
  6. 55% of heavy text message users (50+ texts per day) prefer to receive a text over a call
  7. Worldwide, people send 2,300 text messages a second. That’s almost 23 billion messages per day.
  8. Over 6 billion text messages are sent in the U.S. each day.
  9. Over 80% of American adults use SMS, making it the most common cell phone activity.
  10. Text messages have a 98% open rate, while email has only a 20% open rate.
  11. Text messaging has a 45% response rate, while email only has a 6% response rate.
  12. 90% of all text messages are opened in less than 3 minutes
  13. Text messages are read in under five seconds.
  14. 75% of phones worldwide (4.5 billion) are text-enabled (DuoCall Communications)
  15. 96% of smartphone users text.

If you are struggling to get important information out that is read and responded to, then the SMS Messaging services we offer are a great way to increase your response rate and communicate quickly. The SNOWPRO PORTAL™ Schools Ultimate Plan includes the SMS Messaging services. The Team & Clubs or the Schools Premium and Standard Plans can add SMS Messaging functionality for $199 annually.

For details and upgrading options please contact us.

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Super Duper AdminSend Text Messaged with the Schools or Team Plan

OnTheSnow blocks public feed

On The Snow is a pretty great website and offers some cool services for snow pros, however recently they decided to block access to their API for pulling resort snow reports into third party services. SNOWPRO PORTAL™ was using a plugin developed by Zack Katz (found here).

In a tweet from @zackkatz @SnowProPortal They said RSS feeds are disabled for good. They recommend using their widget instead: — Zack Katz (@zackkatz) November 24, 2014

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Super Duper AdminOnTheSnow blocks public feed