By signing up right now you will have full access for 14 days to an Individual or School’s Starter Pro Site.
During your trial period you will have a fully functioning website at the paid plan level. At the end of your trial period if you are not completely satisfied we will refund your payment.
We are confident you will like the ease of setting up your own SNOWPRO PORTAL™ website and we are eager to help you create the best possible experience for you and your website users, so please take advantage of all our resources to help you get started!
We have plenty of support information and tutorials to get your started. Check out some basic page editing videos to get a quick pre-tour of how you can easily edit your site right from your browser. No FTP credentials, no javascript, no HTML, no CSS, blah, blah, blah needed. And no complicated programs required. Just a modern web browser and a connection to the Internet and you’re editing your website.
You will also notice, we are using an SSL certificate on our website (and yours, once you sign up for one) – look for the “lock” icon in your browser’s URL bar. This ensures all connections to and from the website are encrypted for maximum security. Yeah, this costs a bit more, but its worth it.